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Category Archives: Covid19

Five Tips For Wedding Planning During Covid-19

Whether you’re on version A, B, C or even D, chances are wedding planning may not be sparking joy for you rightView full post »

“Relief, exhaustion, hope, sadness” – Mixed reactions after Scottish wedding industry fund announced

Published January 26th 2021 – “Relief, exhaustion, hope, sadness” – reactions in the ScottishView full post »

Scotland is back in lockdown – wedding number reduced to five

January 4th 2021 – Knowing it was coming didn’t make it any easier to hear. From midnight tonight Scotland isView full post »

What level four means for weddings in Scotland

Published December 20th 2020 – Following yesterday’s announcement by the First Minister that all ofView full post »

How the new five level system affects weddings in Scotland

Updated November 24th 2020 – Scotland is now in a five level protection system, with different CovidView full post »

Scotland Covid-19 Wedding FAQs

Updated November 24th 2020 – If you are planning to get married in Scotland in 2020, then we’re guessingView full post »

New guidance = New questions

Our notifications have gone into overload since the Scottish Government briefing yesterday (September 10th). NewView full post »

An unwedding day adventure shoot

Today we’re sharing a very 2020 love story! Like many of you reading this, Lucy and Stephen had to change theirView full post »

Your Covid-19 wedding questions answered by the Scottish Government

It really has been quite the week/month/year, hasn’t it?! From the Aberdeen lockdown to the confusion over whichView full post »