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How the new five level system affects weddings in Scotland

Updated November 24th 2020 – Scotland is now in a five level protection system, with different Covid restrictions applying at levels 0-4. These levels can be applied either locally or nationally. And here’s how they affect weddings…

Under the new five level protection approach, the following number of people can attend a wedding in Scotland (provided this can be safely accommodated with physical distancing):

Level 0 – no more than 50 people should attend (ceremony & reception)
Level 1, 2 or 3 – no more than 20 people should attend (ceremony & reception)
Level 4 – no more than 20 people should attend (ceremony only, receptions are not permitted)

As before, this number includes the couple, their guests (including children), any carers required, and any suppliers employed by the couple such as photographers or musicians.

The celebrant and any required interpreter do not count towards these limits. Nor do venue staff or third-party catering staff.

For receptions in levels 0 and 1, “consideration should be given to a sensible closing time that is in line with licensing requirements”. In levels 2 and 3, the closing time permitted is 10pm. Receptions are not permitted in level 4.

New measures in force from November 2nd generally restrict the sale of alcohol depending on the protection level where a hospitality business is operating. However, there is an exception in the regulations which permits the sale of alcohol at a permitted wedding reception.

Can our guests travel from areas with different protection levels?

At 6pm on 20 November 2020, new restrictions came into effect, in relation to travel into and out of local authority areas affected by levels 3 and 4 restrictions.

If you live in a Level 3 or 4 local authority area you must, by law, remain within that area unless you have a reasonable excuse to travel.

For people living in a level 3 area, travel out of that area is permitted, to attend a marriage ceremony and for a wedding reception. (Wedding receptions must not take place in a Level 4 local authority area. )

For people living in a level 4 area, travel out of that area is permitted for the purpose of attending a marriage ceremony only.

We know this latest change is bringing additional anxiety for those of you whose weddings are imminent and who have immediate family in a level 4 area, who it now seems will not be allowed to attend the reception. As always, we will keep you posted if we hear of any more updates.

Can my makeup artist/hairdresser come to my house/venue?

Close contact services – including hair styling and makeup services (plus others including beauty services, indoor portrait photography, dress-fitting and tailoring) can operate at Level 0 and 1.

At Level 2 and 3, mobile hairdressing and barbering can continue, as can contact services that are delivered from a salon, shop or other static site, such as a home treatment room. All other mobile close contact services will not be able to operate in Levels 2 or 3.

All close contact services – static or mobile – will be closed at Level 4.

Prior to the introduction of the five level system, makeup artists were only allowed to work on their own premises. Hair stylists could, however, work on location.

⚡️ See our full Covid Wedding FAQs article here 


⚡️ See full Scottish Government wedding ceremony guidance here 

⚡️ See the Retail Guidance here and more details on Close Contact Services here

⚡️ Guidance on travel and transport

⚡️ The five level protection framework – Scottish Government website

⚡️ Enter a postcode to check the level here


Neon sign photo via Unsplash, heart candle photo via Pexels