We Fell In Love – Scotland's Wedding Blog » Scotland's Wedding Blog

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Published April 13th, 2021 – It’s been a big news day here in Scotland. Not only is the travel ban being lifted early (from Friday) but we’ve also had a long awaited update on weddings.

Weddings of up to 50 people will be allowed from April 26th. And it is anticipated that from early June, that number will increase to 100 then to 200 people by late June, the Scottish Government has said.

In other welcome news, receptions and alcohol will be permitted at levels 0-3 (expected from April 26th onwards).

Keep in mind when working on the latest version of your guest list that capacity will be subject to physical distancing requirements.

Now we just need the wedding guidance to be updated so you can crack on with making those plans you’ve been so patiently waiting to finalise.

As always, we’ll keep you posted when we know more.

You can find more inspiration for your Scottish wedding here. And see our curated collection of Scottish wedding suppliers and venues hereAnd don’t forget to follow us on Instagram too. x

Visit the Scottish Government website for the latest Covid-19 updates