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Cocktails and a street-food inspired menu

They’ve found their venue, now our guest blogging grooms Gordon and Euan get to focus on the really fun bits! Which means they’ve been busy thinking about bespoke cocktails and ways to bring their guests together on the day. Loving their style! Over to Gordon…

“Ok so I left you where we had finally managed to secure the venue that would allow us to have our handsome baby Bear along, now to the fun parts – organising the day itself!

“I suppose it’s not too uncommon for engaged couples to want their wedding to be based around the prevailing factors that define their relationship? And even if it’s not, it’s what we’re going to do.

“If I could describe our relationship using only five words, they would be laughter, environmental, adventure, food and whisky (maybe just drink in general as we have run two pubs together). And so, these will be the prevailing themes that hopefully, will show throughout the day.


“First, flowers. Well Euan and I are very keen environmentalists and we absolutely believe the using of land, water and other limited world resources for the simple destruction of a plant in aide of a one-off table decoration is morally wrong. Sorry to all you florists and their supporters out there, but that’s how we see it. So, one of my green fingered bridesmaids (that’s right I’m a groom with bridesmaids but more about that another day), offered to propagate new plants from some she’s already grown, as table pieces. We loved this idea as the plants will return something to the environment, we also intend to give out each plant to a specially selected guest with a card stating, “We believe our relationship will grow and thrive based on the life of these plants given out on our special day”. Don’t get me wrong, Euan and I don’t believe any such thing but watching the look of anguish and panic pass over these guests’ faces will bring us some laughter. Yes, sometimes I am just a bad person.

“Next food and consequently tables, actually we decided how we wanted the table layout first. Euan and I do not want to be agonising for days over a table plan over who needs to sit where and who shouldn’t sit next to each other. Really? It’s a day of coming together, so after bandying ideas back and forward for a few days we came up with a “table lottery” which conveniently will deal with the favours at the same time. Each table will be divided up into a set number of couples and singles (I’m not that bad that I’ll separate couples!), then when everyone is invited to sit down couples will select from one group of favours while singles another. These favours will be either gin or whisky miniatures (a selection of our favourites of course), which will directly relate to a table. No head table, all round tables so even we don’t know who we’re sitting next to on the day. The bringing together of people.

“I believe this then led Hannah, our wedding coordinator, to offer us an alternative to the usual sit-down full-service meal, a ‘street food’ meal either two or three courses of table delivered platters. What better way to encourage strangers to talk to one another with little effort on our part. Now we’re going to go with this and I’ll get back to you on our choices after the tasting.

“Drink; I’ve been involved in the hospitality trade almost my entire life, I’ve worked on cruise ships, for private members’ clubs, whisky bars and for the past five years before opening our own B&B I’ve run my own pubs. So I know a thing or two about alcohol and here is where I get particularly ‘picky’, I suppose is the correct word. You could maybe even say demanding. The first venue we ran together was a cocktail bar and kitchen, so straight up, our drink’s reception is cocktails – French Martini for me as it’s my favourite and a Dark ‘N’ Stormy for Euan, as it’s his. We do want a third one that represents the two of us together and I’ve yet to create this one, my favourite spirit is whisky and his is gin, and believe me these are not an easy combination for a single cocktail. However, I will persevere and get back to you.

“As for the wine… well, I’m fortunate enough to know the owners of Stevenage’s top restaurant so they’ve kindly allowed me to order wine and bubbles through them – it will still be bubbles for the toast, but it will be an Argentinian developed Champagne alternative as a nod to mine and Euan’s time together in Latin America.


“And finally, some specially brewed beer. The same friends are the owners of Bog Brew, a microbrewery in Stevenage and they’ve agreed to brew our very own wedding beer and when I asked Hannah if this was OK, her response was absolutely but I’ll have to get back to you on how we’ll ‘corkage’ that. Well I’m glad we’ve finally managed to surprise our coordinator who so far has taken everything in her stride.

“I’ve just thought, I hope not too many of our guests are following this blog as we haven’t told anyone about these plans other than on a strictly need to know basis. Do like surprising people.

“Tune in next time when I tell you all about the cake, entertainment and other random things thrown in for good measure.”

Love the idea of giving out these plants with that message. So funny! Looking forward to Gordon’s next instalment already… x

After meeting at CC Blooms in Edinburgh, Gordon and Euan now run a B&B in Angus together and are preparing to tie the knot in Edinburgh this summer. With drag queens, their beloved American bulldog and a glitter bar for starters, something tells us it’s going to be a very fun celebration!

Photos via Unsplash