intimate city micro wedding glasgow residential steps bride groom portrait

An intimate Glasgow city celebration for Kimberley & Greg filled with post lockdown warmth, love & happiness and streamed across the globe for family & friends who couldn’t attend!

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What inspired your wedding plans?

Our plans were changed due to the pandemic, with our guest numbers going from 195 people to 24. The rule in Glasgow at the time stated no music at weddings, and that was difficult as a lot of our friends are musicians and lots of our plans centred around this. To get around the numbers, we streamed the wedding to family and friends around the corner and all over the world. We also sent them a wee guest list box with favours, sweets/biscuits, and booze and a little programme with a QR to watch the ceremony and request for photos and a wee poem.

Tell us about your venue…

Number 10 is a local boutique hotel across from Queen’s Park where we live. We originally didn’t consider it as we had way too many guests for its capacity. When we decided we weren’t postponing the wedding again, we chanced it to see if they would be available, and luckily the garden pavilion was free. It’s a stunning purpose built, intimate venue pavilion in the beer garden. We didn’t even know it existed. And as soon as we saw it we thought it was the perfect place. We love being able to eat there all the time still and walk past the place we got married.

We love your outfits! Tell us more…

My dress was from the first shop I visited! I always wanted something long-sleeved and that I hoped wouldn’t age. I am short so made the train shorter and added some big shoulder pads to make it a bit more dramatic and flattering on me. I also wore Leopard print (I am addicted it’s not even a joke) Steve Madden second-hand shoes eBay 15 quid!

Greg wore a blue, black tux with a skull tie & belt, and dune half-patent brogues.

How did you choose your photographer?

We saw Scott and Chantal’s photographs when we were looking at the original venue we had booked. The amazing light, urban vibe, and naturally emotional photos just immediately appealed to us. As soon as we started looking through their Instagram there was never any other choice and we would have moved our date to get them to capture it.

Tell us more about your filmmaker?

I met Simon and Gregg from Cinemate at a wedding I was working at and I looked at their work and was blown away by how dramatic and different it was from any wedding films I had seen. We were on the fence about having a video, a few friends had who hadn’t said they wished they had, and when we watched the cinemate guys’ work it was a no-brainer and was amazing to give them creative license to just make something that worked for whatever the vibe they got from us.

Were there any challenges along the way?

The lockdown restrictions meant we couldn’t have a band or anything aside from a first dance and a 10pm curfew but it didn’t feel like we were missing out actually on the day.

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Did you manage to stick to your budget?

It was reduced because of number restrictions!

Any advice?

Invest in good photographers /videography and decide what’s important to you – not what you think others will appreciate..

Which of your suppliers completely rocked your wedding day?

Everyone did – but the photos and video were so important to us because we couldn’t have everyone there so we were so thankful to have had the Gibsons and Cinemate to capture the moments so perfectly.

What’s the one moment you will always remember?

Walking out into the venue and everyone in the beer garden cheering, then seeing some of my friends who couldn’t come because of numbers, waving, and watching from their tablets outside was one moment I will always remember. Then walking into the pavilion and seeing Greg, our families, and best friends, it was just so overwhelming to all be together after so long.

So much to love. Christina x


VenueNumber 10 Hotel Glasgow
PhotographerThe Gibsons Photography
VideographerCinemate Films
Make-up artistJen C Makeup
CelebrantHazel Sharp Humanist
Kimberley’s dressPronovias from Anne Priscilla Bridal
Greg’s suitTwisted tailor tux + Alexander McQueen tie and belt
CakeSweet and Flour cakes