What level four means for weddings in Scotland
Published December 20th 2020 – Following yesterday’s announcement by the First Minister that all of mainland Scotland will be entering level four for at least three weeks from one minute past midnight on Boxing Day (December 26th), here’s how this affects weddings due to take place in this period.
Can a wedding still go ahead at Level 4 in Scotland?
Wedding ceremonies can go ahead, subject to physical distancing, but receptions are not permitted.
No more than 20 people should attend and, as before, this number includes the couple, their guests (including children), any carers required, and any suppliers employed by the couple such as photographers or musicians.
The celebrant and any required interpreter do not count towards these limits. Nor do venue staff.
⚡️ See full Scottish Government wedding ceremony guidance here
Can we/our guests travel to attend the wedding?
As it stands, travel (including cross border travel) is permitted for the purpose of attending a marriage ceremony at Level 4.
The current travel regulations became law on November 20th and the associated guidance was last updated on December 14th, prior to this weekend’s announcement. We recommend keeping a close eye on it in the coming days in case there are any changes.
⚡️ Guidance on travel and transport
Can we/our guests still stay at our hotel/accommodation?
As it stands, yes. Anyone who requires accommodation to attend a marriage ceremony is currently classed as an “essential customer”.
The accommodation guidance was updated on December 19th. So *hopefully* any changes to it would have been made by now.
We recommend checking with your venue/accommodation provider to see what their position is – not all will be staying open.
It’s also worth noting that some accommodation providers have previously been advised by their Environmental Health Officer on what they can/can’t do. And different local authorities have been known to take different stances on some parts of the guidance.
Can my makeup artist/hairdresser come to my house/venue?
No. All close contact services – static or mobile – must close at Level 4. This includes hairdressing, beauty services, indoor portrait photography and art services, dress fitting, spa and wellness services, and more.
⚡️ See the Retail Guidance here and more details on Close Contact Services here
Any other advice?
Yesterday’s news was A LOT to process. We know that some of you have been desperately trying to bring your wedding forward to this week. Many of you are already on your third, fourth, or fifth attempt. Please know that you are not alone. Our inbox is full of these stories.
⚡️ Take a little time to process this development (if you can) before making decisions.
⚡️ Reach out to friends and family.
⚡️ Lean in to our intimate, supportive couples’ community – the WFILcircle.
⚡️ Be kind – remember same storm, different boats.
⚡️ Take care of you.
⚡️ See our Scotland Covid-19 Wedding FAQs here
Neon sign photo via Unsplash, heart candle photo via Pexels